150 Cars on the Block at Montecasino in SA’s Largest Classic Auto Sale of the Year
Four legendary “Gusheshes” are among the dazzling display of German automotive engineering that will be on auction at Montecasino in Johannesburg in September at South Africa’s biggest classic and collector car sale of the year.
Around 150 cars will be on the block, including a 54-strong parade of German road technology.
The selection of highly collectable vehicles has been hand-picked for the September 23rd weekend sale by Creative Rides Classic & Collectible Auctions, and according to CEO Kevin Derrick, some German models are so rare that the chances of them appearing on the market again anytime soon, are slim to none.
This list includes:
- A BMW Z3 M Coupe, one of only 821 right hand drive models ever built out of a total of 6 291. In the three-year production run that ended in 2000, 186 made their way to South Africa; all fitted with the S50 3.2-litre Evo engine.
- A 2012 BMW M1. Fewer than 75 were allocated to South Africa out of the total production run of 6 331.
- Four BMW 325iS – the legendary “Gusheshe” built exclusively for the South African market, with only 508 ever made.

Derrick says the massive Autobahn collection under the hammer reflects 2023’s hottest global classic car investment trend.
“This year German classics have posted the strongest quarterly price gains of all market segments measured by Hagerty Price Guide Indices. German car values climbed 3% across the board in the first three months of the year, putting Hagerty’s German Index at a new all-time high.
“Big ticket moveable assets are perennially popular, but in times of global economic uncertainty the collector market focuses on investment value as much as aesthetics. Creative Rides continually analyses emerging trends and our September sale reflects this demand.
“A perfect example is our 2012 BMW M1 auction lot. This model rated a special mention in Hagerty’s Price Guide with a 5% value increase between last year and the end of the first quarter of 2023. They’re rare, collectable and rapidly rising in value.”
Derrick says the German classics auction showcase comprises:
- Three Porsches.
- Ten Mercedes Benzes.
- 11 Volkswagens, ranging from split-windscreen kombis to rare Beetles.
- Four Opels.
- 26 BMWs.

“Creative Rides is especially delighted to have such a BMW showcase on offer, given that the company is celebrating 50 years of production in South Africa.
“Rosslyn was the first BMW plant to open outside of German, and since 1973 more than 1.6 million vehicles have been built there.
“The Rosslyn plant is also responsible for a host of iconic cars unique to this country, including the BMW 2000 SA, BMW 745i, BMW 530 MLE, BMW 333i, and of course, the BMW 325iS.”
Other BMW auction highlights include:
- A BMW M3 E46 CSL.
- A 1992 BMW Alpina B10 E34.
- A 1988 BMW E30 Hartge H23.
- A 1982 BMW 635 CSi.

Derrick says German cars are increasing in value and popularity among global collectors because of their sterling reputation for high-performance engines, road handling, outstanding safety features, precision engineering and iconic design.
“Even the humble Beetle has become collectable, with fans willing to spend big money on acquisition.
“A new Beetle auction record of just over R3.9 million was set late last year for Herbie the Love Bug, but it’s certainly not the only one that’s changed hands for millions. In 2016, a 1960 Bug previously owned by comedian Jerry Seinfeld sold for R2.2m, while an extremely rare 1950 split window fetched R3.2m two years later.
“South African collectors also love Beetles, which is why September’s auction will see six different models spanning more than 50 production years on the block.”
Derrick says the full auction catalogue will soon be available at https://creativeridesauctions.com/.
“The catalogue will also be available on the Creative Rides app, which is a free download on both Android and iOS. Collectors who can’t be at the Montecasino auction in person on the weekend of September 23 will be bidding on the app.
“The entire auction will also be live-streamed on the Creative Rides website, as well as our social media channels.
Registration for the auction has just opened. Bidders can register online, via the app or by contacting Creative Rides in Johannesburg.”